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Inside also have no how much capital.
Talk the Ren Hao saw little Qing of thunder one eye, then grew tone, he had already done decision.
Zhang Nai Ding's machines return to a fleet at 11:35, the first mixs a northwest direction of positive party in government of fleet to return a sail especially at this time.Talk the Ren Hao gave up to unite the viewpoint of the fleet decisive battle with Japan, the reason was easy.The his hand inside leaves not to arrive 30 bombers for, but the fighter jet still has up to 100!Unless he is willing to let the fighter jet pin up bomb and carry out to bomb a task, otherwise he can give up.Talk that the Ren Hao chose to give up as a result, because he feels, the airplane pilot is more precious, he has already destroyed Japan first aviation fleet, unworthy for the sake of a few war rows warship but let those excellently airplane pilot go to risky.
Certainly.The viewpoint that talks Ren Hao also directly.In Japan after first aviation fleet doom, Japanese navy has already lost at the west Pacific Ocean up of advantage, the first mixs a fleet especially to pass in and out at any time western Pacific Ocean, annihilate Japan unite the"tortoise ship"s in the fleet Be just a time of problem.Pass this naval battle, the first mixs especially luckily survive in the fleet comes down of those airplane pilots all owned true war experience, especially"Yangtze River" sail the airplane pilots on the mother all have already had precious experience, want ~only these airplane pilot still just, so the first mixs a fleet especially to with ease defeat to unite a fleet in the naval battle in next time!
The viewpoint that talks Ren Hao has no wrong, also prove in fact and afterwards.His decision is completely correct.Annihilate Japan to unite a fleet to be just a time of problem.Along with the instauration of empire navy's real strenght, there are also joining of large numbers of excellent government troopseses, Japan was already an end of the road end of road.Can isn't such as a result.Talk Ren Hao really don't know, this decision of his, almost push he ascended military tribunal!
When the fleet withdraws, the cruiser that talks that the Ren Hao also issues order to go down south organizes into teams to together return a sail with the fleet and gave up to make track for shot Japan one aviation fleet ground activity.This is also according to a by mistake the intelligence report does the judgment of.At that time, talk Ren Hao already sure of, Japan's first three sail mothers in the aviation fleet win and have already had two be sunk by the shot, and the last"Rui crane" number also encounter serious wound, affirmation at to south evade.But the south ground add Luo's islands wood's that day originally of sphere of influence.Distance especially the Lu gram is very near, if got into Japanese the shore radicle bombardier stroke scope, those cruisers are getting more dangerous.Therefore, talk that the Ren Hao feels to don't make track for the value of shot, gave up to make track for a shot activity.But he really don't know, at that time Japan the first aviation fleet was going up north, facing the cruiser organized into teams of the gun muzzle goes.More regrettable BE, because is before assaulted by two Japanese bombardier, originally the plan parties goes out of the reconnaissance plane hasn't been starting out.Result is talking that the Ren Hao decides to withdraw for a ground of time, these reconnaissance planes all stay at fleet in!
Before withdrawing, talk that the Ren Hao didn't forget a very important affair, that be as far as possible fall into water of the airplane pilot save back.But the cruiser organize into teams while receiving news, waters have already arrived to settle the first combat explosion of morning, salvage to have more than 30s to fall into water an airplane pilot, return a captive more than 100 Japanese government troops with wasn't saved to walk.Then, the cruiser organizes into teams to just turn around to change direction and kept up with sail the mother organize into teams of withdraw a step.
While talking that the Ren Hao decides to withdraw, mountain originally 65 is also leading fleet full speed to kill.When the mountain pass smells many to mix a fleet to arouse a war especially with the first, he has already received telegram, and orderanies a fleet to immediately change direction, the channel kills recently to battlefield.Actually, mountain originally 65 the arrangement done have been a day after the fair and wait the time that he feels battlefield at this time, the first especially mix a fleet have already run more than 200 nautical miles, and bright on sky behind, will get into the scope of covering of the ground ditch shore in Liuqiu island radicle aviation soldier,google!
Mountain originally 65 have no this time greatly aggrieved precept after know to own mistake, he on the contrary thinks empire Tang's navy's timidity, don't dare to do positive decisive battle with him.And in the that very day evening, he also sent back the telegram of victory Japan, enounce that the shot sinks empire Tang a sail mother two,cnn, inflict a heavy losses on a sail mother a , moreover still inflict a heavy losses on several battleships, the shot Kui first of empire Tang's navy mixs a fleet especially and acquired the great victory of naval battle.This is the results in battle that the mountain pass smells much according to the airplane pilot to report to hand in to the mountain originally 65 war bulletins, a seriously false war bulletin.Actually, the first mixs a fleet to only have "the Xuan believes in" especially number sail the mother was subjected to serious wound, the "too Zu" number sail mother suffered from point slight wound, can fix for half month well, but"Yangtze River" sail mother then milli- hair have no Sun.
Mountain originally 65 also smell many according to the mountain pass of the war bulletin but continue to insist his standpoint, namely the battleship is still the Ba of the naval battle lord, empire Tang's fleet is exactly frightened and strong"big and" number decisive battle, so just adjust a head to escape.Afterwards, mountain originally 65 dint lords construct "Wu Zang" and"believing is thick" number war row warship(the empress of"big and" class is two), is exactly also according to this judgment!
The mountain pass smells many"suicide"s make track for shot also on the time in 12:00 stop, is making sure the first of empire Tang especially mixs a fleet after having already withdrawn, the mountain pass smells think more circumstance mountain originally 65 do to make collective report, receive a new order later on, lead a fleet to return Lu gram especially base.The mountain pass smells much with death wipe a shoulder but lead, finally brake success, don't fall into the trap died.
The "Rui crane" number sail mother directly returned a Lu gram the naval base be maintained over there especially, and very quick resumed fighting strength, the torpedo getting has never given the sail is female to result in too big breakage, warship Shou the loophole of the place was very quick and then maded up deficiencies, after two months, also made change a new warship Shou nose.
"Soar crane" number has already done not so easily repair.Struggled to return Lu gram especially base behind, just give° a few loopholes on the warship body to make up deficiencies, didn't enough fix facilities in base, therefore in a month return to Japanese mainland, get into Wu Gang to maintain.The positive maintains a work keep on four months, compare "Rui crane" number late more than two months just the regression arrive a first aviation fleet.But these two months inside, Japanese navy has already lost at the west Pacific Ocean up of maritime power,Facebook.
This naval battle battle is afterwards called "sea basin naval battle in Liuqiu", or is "Tang Ri naval battle (Japan and west nation's calling method)in Guam".At the time that naval battle ended, empire Tang still kept owning a sail mother who could battle, all large sail mothers of Japan have already lost fighting strength.This is also the turn of the west Pacific Ocean war situation in the region to order.After this two months, empire Tang's navy has already owned four fleet sails mother, but Japan leave just then a fleet sail the mother can use.(still have two sail mothers who refit to undergo military service afterwards, but don't belong to a regular fleet sail mother)Is also since this time, empire Tang controled the maritime power of the west Pacific Ocean waters gradually, along with empire Tang new one class sail mother, war row warship, the large cruiser continuously undergoes military service, the weighing scales on the ocean has already started tilting to one siding to this slice of empire Tang!

The fourth empire counter-attacks section 24 hostile opinion
Renew time:2008-5-2013:34:21 chapter word numbers:4354

Talk that the Ren Hao will maintain battleship and saved to cure to harm works like member,etc to hand over to the thunder little Qing after returning to that Ba harbor, the Hao east feels with often Jian new 3 people are responsible for.He at number received a news in the days to come with an orderany.
News BE, the Japan's first aviation fleet has no whole army is routed, "fly a dragon" the number is sunk by the shot of the results in battle got confirmation, "soar crane" number only encountered serious wound, and this is a submarine confirmation.This submarine always at especially Lu gram base the nearby activity is discovering that when"soar crane" number organized into teams the submarine shot six torpedos, in the result none of.(actually have a torpedo in the clout, didn't explode, but moreover a torpedo then because certainly deeply equip wrong, from the sail mother's belly underground wear in the past)"Soar crane" number is after the naval battle ends on the fourth return to a Lu gram especially."Rui crane" number then suffered from slight wound, and in three days return to a Lu gram especially, accepted to fix.
See this news, talk that the Ren Hao connects surprised Related articles:

