
Monster Beats rce to do as well Le

The Zhan opens eyes, four eyes are opposite, vision communicates, this for an instant, imitate a Buddha ten thousand matter creations all have been already annihilated, only the original should mutually melt mutually the intention of .The harsh voice way of Lin Yuan Yin, "stars, all till this time, you still harm afraid of?This isn't the stars in my heart!The jade has no Yan, that garbage he always all not equal to you!"Stars whole body one Zhan, face upward toward the sky, grow loose one breath.
Is tick-tock, tick-tock, sky again under the beginning rise light rain.But isn't that that kind of is enjoy the rain line pleasing the eye order a point, but that overcast and rainy that distinguishes a not pure dim moonlight, next in the public, is that the unspeakable and damp Yin is cold.The jade has no face have no facial expression tunnel:"I don't like to kill people in the rainy day.But, I even don't like to kill people in a clear sky.Stars, do you love emollient quantity to launch unique Pan?"The stars shakes, again way:"I not is BE won by unique Pan yours."The intelligence master shouts at top of voice:"Cloth!"The public reaction comes over and early stand good, unclear a ferocious mien starts filling the air to drift in the public in front.
The jade has no Yan to looking at stars that quiet face, slowly tunnel:"I will bury yours well.Kill."The fox clansmen sort ground of Ma Zhen Tian is rung out, intelligence master nervous way:"The form listens to me ordering!"Immediately, many magic weapon beginning Shans put golden light, the intelligence master roars a way:"Unity of will is a formidable force!Up!"Chan month master's way:"Do not go, teacher, the strategies still differ 3 to lack, the in the book didn't jot down and had no way exertion effect!"The intelligence master's way:"You take over first!"Chan month master at a loss what to do way:"I also think top, but I don't know a station where.""With the heart is to the Buddha!"Intelligence master with angry look circle Zheng, " go quickly!"Chan month the master daze a way:"What mean?"The fox clansmen horse has been already killed, Wu the English just pulled out sword sheath, full of bellicosity way:"The Buddha Zu wants to forgive offense, I greatly open rule against killing today!"Read to settle voodoo, a double-edged sword is suffused with a ray of light and turns to would be two swords, 2 bellows later on, and two skulls of foxes have already rolled indiscriminately on the ground.Yang Cong has never seen this kind of prospects, a frighten a bottom to unexpectedly faint.The Wu's English favour just handed her way:"Can not get use to return to front, really take you have no way."And kill and back, hand over to the Pu Tuo the disciple way:"Help care for a while."Turn round and hurtle into fox clansmen among the horse, left split right kill, at that moment bellow repeatedly, the flesh and blood is horizontal to fly, this is blunt, already leave a corpse all over the place.
Wu the English ferocious looks just dusted back many person's horses of fox clans and turned and gaved them a hard time, and then wanted to stop position, and then wanted to kill an enemy to the magic trick each pupil of field aggression in the Zhang door, momentary, the pupil also had the quite a few the person to fall in action, large skull murmur ground under the car that rolled to have no Yan to the jade, the steaming hot blood sprayed jade have no Yan one sleeves, set off on the snow-white skin what time deep red, is unexpectedly unspeakable fresh clearly.Jade's hasing no Yan don't care and just stare at stars not to put.The stars is to Lin Yuan Yin's way:"You come me nearby."A pull her at after death, the person of fox clan,such as tidewater, flow out, but arrived stars here but automatically separate, is like a huge a cake of rock to is divided into two halfs of water currents-though stars severely wounded, the fox clan still keeps saving to be afraid of to his heart, in addition to jade have no Yan, seem no one still would like to challenge him.
Have already canned not distinguished an enemy on the battlefield, cans hear to deafeningly shout to kill a voice, all of voices are what foxes clan send out come, the mankind leave of only have bitter struggle.Although the method machine is severe,basically cans not holds up against.Too jade pure teacher one brushes off dust to tip over two foxes in the ground, brushing off dust of white already blood stain spot spot, loudly to Chan month master's disease shout a way:"Chan month teacher niece, exactly do this strategies still want to launch?We now station already more and more difficulty, the pupil death and harm of the outer circle is a lot of, don't make firm decision again, this even if can become, also the nobody can put."Chan month master's at a loss what to do, want to seek teacher to ask clearly, turn an eye but see intelligence a master around have already rounded three turns of foxes, is sinking into bitter struggle, how do?Exactly do this strategies want to put?Can you succeed?Is making them asunder open to protect a life important?Chan month the master grind teeth, several tens mind already turn in a sudden but lead.
The blood Gu Gu ground the run off come and remit into numerous small rivers, green the lawn here up seem to be particularly colorful and dazzle the eyes.The pupil death and harm of the magic trick field has already led half, many people discard skill one feet, on the ground Ai, turning the eye is a fox to come up one gun, then is again the forehead of a Zhang doorknob that fox to clap smash.Is small and soft to reckon, the fox clan death and harm is getting more miserably heavy, because is lowly most likely that power just**the low class fox of form, the flesh and blood is horizontal to fly, if not was escorting that noble cultured jade have no Yan, really let people's illusion is mankind at launch Jing river blood is difficult.The fox clan key figures have no jade to have no Yan's issuing order, all don't dare to act rashly and all beside round to protect, each heart knows the clear jade of belly has no Yan is with intention to make use of the amount advantage of fox clan to consume the fighting strength of the other party, but looking at own compatriot a big slice of a big slice of ground of fall flop, still cannot help but biting to point to deliver cold.An old woman comes up to compensate to say with smile:"My lord, does our person to die like this also Ren a little bit miserably, you can win on making moves of, is isn't ……" jade have no Yan long way:"Then etc.."
"Teacher too ……the teacher is too!"A small nun isn't done know where head break blood whole body is that the dust ground climb out, the dynasty jade pure teacher cries to shout too sad and shrillly.When jade pure teacher recognized too hard, not from get a surprised:"Does the Hui fix?How did you come?You not is guard mountain?"That small nun cries to shout a way:"The mountain of Pu Tuo is all over, the owners are all held, they say, if the teacher doesn't return an agreeable fox clan too much, exterminate whole family all of us.""What?!"The Pu Tuo gold lotus"tinkling" drops at ground up."Small nun ……" jade has no Yan slowly openings way, "you is be not ……still leaked a what rubbish?"The small nun sees the jade have no Yan, fiercely a surprised, cry a way:"They still say …… still say …… still say ……" but because of extremely shocking to can not say it.
A white only arouses to spray but, the small nun bellows 1 and falls on the ground to die."The Hui fixs-" jade pure teacher too pain not the desire living, that is she loves most of become real expert pupil.The jade has no Yan way:"Is so useless, could not say the pupil of words, you also accept, no wonder that the Pu Tuo declined into this.They also say that if you continue to help five sets, perhaps not only the person of this whole family parties, even the property of Pu Tuo is also ruined to once.From now on this in this world, have no the mountain of Pu Tuo again to send.Still invite teacher too good consideration."Say, many Zhang door slowly conjecture a turn of complexion deadly pale again, lightly a say with smile:"Do the others feel that you are very lucky?I don't think like this, I feel strange, your pupils calculate road to arrive and how haven't come yet?"
"You are mean!"The jade pure teacher too already and completely neglects any poise, is like an insane woman Be similar to hysterically roar a way.The jade has no Yan to looking at intelligence the master is shallow shallow a say with smile:"As for you, give up crazy idea.No matter how you beg me, I all want to have to put out five sets this time.Five sets should not exist in this in this world at all."Say to depend on the chair-back, to many ways,Monster Beats, " says that my baseness is also good, says that my mean person is also good, my jade has no Yan basically not concerned.Know the heavy so-called friendship of your mankind, I don't wish to force to do as well.Let your help strike against five foolish really too difficulty, so, as long as you connect down don't help, I put you a way out.How?Stay green mountain at, next what come?You deliberate by yourselves."
The stars mental state is dark to sigh 1, wish, destine today dead hereat, the personally hears Lin Yuan Yin's intention today, calculate, don't waste as well in this in this world to walk on encountering, don't bring trouble other people be, simultaneously secretly take out unique Pan from the bosom.Jade's hasing no Yan is appreciating the variety of intelligence master's facial expression:"Stars, if you put together dead to launch unique Pan, can not necessarily win me, but you will definitely go up in smoke.How?Finally discovered fish dead the net breaks of situation?"Lin Yuan Yin a press down the hand of stars:"Can not!We believe miracle!"The jade has no Yan to give a snicker a way:"Miracle?Show me what to is a miracle?"
The jade has no Yan the right hand lightly float ground to send out, stars facial expression a change:"Caution of everyone!"Turn round to embrace Lin Yuan Yin, decide to put together dead to resist this shot by oneself's capability."Stars can not Related articles:

