
Beats by Dr Dre Pro iend I represent a

Assault with stage manners, entered inside the harbor, it were long to then have fully 20 kilometers, the breadth also has 6 kilometers, can anchor up to 100 at the same time of ten thousand ton huge round.
So beautiful place, now but was broken this by a fleet out of the harbor to let people free of mind and happy of heart painting book.Russian Baltic fleet more than 30 warships didn't turn off and all emitted billowing thick smoke, the smoke wasn't common white, but blunt sky of but rise of black fog, dye the skies all black half side.
An armored cruiser that flaunts French national flag is from the harbor inside hurtled out, beat flag signal to obstruct the scheme that Russian fleet puts in at a port.
Let go of a small boat on the cruiser, depend last the flagship of Russian fleet, two fatty Tian chests fold a belly to be alongside of to walk fore noodles behind follow two young men.
On Russian flagship,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, shape Gao Tiao , be dressed in a brand-new vice admiral aiguillette man to come out accolade.****
Two fatties who comes down from French cruiser, one is dressed in French rear admiral uniform, a then be dressed in a Scotland sub- lounge suit.The two young men that behind follow are a foppery that is navy, the another an is dressed in lounge suit.
"Russia second fleet commander in the far east to we dearly far east fleet commander question mark in ally France."Be dressed in Russian vice admiral aiguillette the man is well-mannered of way.
"My dear friend.You far sail 18,000 nautical miles arrive gold orchid gulf, is really a miracle!The heroic act like this only great Russian person can attain, ha ha!"Fleet commander in far east in France beats ha ha way.
The man who is dressed in west then curiously looking at a this thick smoke billowing fleets, all full with on each warship seaweed and molluscs, these attachments are from the bilge already grow water line Be getting more above, what to see is clear, this Russian fleet is absolutely like a marine products development base.See come out.This fleet shoulded don't put in at a port anchorage for a long time and had already cleaned up these attachments in the dockyard.But these things not only waste fuel, but also influence the speed of fleet very much.
"My dear friend, why do you obstruct my fleet into a gold orchid gulf to fill with water to add coal?"Russian fleet commander seems to be early to have wrath, just the inconvenience just met a ground of French fleet commander to go into action to this just.^^^^
", My good friend.I have to remind you, the gold orchid gulf is the naval base of France, but provides naval base to breach neutral regulation to both parties of belligerence.I had to ask your fleet to go to another port and fill with water to add coal very sorrily."French fleet commander spreads a hand, the Song shrugs shoulders Bang, most the facial expression of the regret.
"Commander officer's you, your country fleet ground female harbor is in the Saigon, as I see it, your country only have a telegraphs office in the gold orchid gulf.Gold orchid gulf altogether only three Frenches!"Russian fleet commander is getting more very furious.Handsomely the face was ferocious but distorted.
"The affair that is you, as the commander of far east fleet in France, I can sorry notice you, gold orchid gulf you can not get into and otherwise see as to the act of aggression of France."The French fleet commander proud Yang wears neck and turn round to leave ascend small boat.
"God, where can I also go?What did Russia exactly do amiss?Let the whole world be as difficult as Russian together!"Russian fleet commander looks up at sky to shout loudly, the eye sockets are all some red.Seemed to suffer a tremendous injustice.
The fatty who wears western dress smiles from after death in suit's hand take over a black wood cigar box, open hereafter pass to Russian fleet commander 1:"My dear friend, as a French, I really hope that the Russian person of the ally of our France mercilessly teaches those blamed of Japanese monkey.\\\\\\"
"French?Can the French also be regarded as our allies?What do I still can make now and my fleet has already didn't coal?"Russian fleet commander bitter and astringent tunnel.
"At least you and I should be a friend, I ground company's agency does of business in include coal, we have private's hard coal of Wei Er of the in large quantity superior quality.Can promise the supply of infinite quantity."
"Are you to say the best private's hard coal of Wei Er?Do you say to is private's hard coal of Wei Er?Not that day originally coal?"The Russian fleet commander pleased hopes an outside."Yes.The commander that I respect officer's you, my confirmation is high quality Wei Er private's hard coal of use being the most suitable to match warship the whole world.How can those inferior Japanese coals use for warship?"The fatty roars with laughter of way.
"Where is your coal ?I can be with best price!"Russian fleet commander hears private's hard coal of Wei Er, the wanting of excitement cries, don't say this kind of best "English Tan", even that kind of the quality is lowest inferior, Japanese coal that can burn a black smoke but could not burn steam, he also canned not bought now.\\\\\Those Japanese coal roots are to smash coal Gan stone hereafter added some coal just, with those dishonest traders a little way of doing of milk is different in approach but equally good wonderful on Chan in Shui-li.
"My friend, you not the important step is hasty, France and Russia is an ally, method**the square is inconvenient to do of affair, our businessman will for they work well of, be not?Go to coastal defense, private's hard coal of Wei Er that prepared the superior quality for you there still has numerous volts to add and the most beautiful miss, you and your honest and brave water soldier can wash and brush the fatigue that the far sail brings in the coastal defense, ha ha, the volt adds and the miss is free, be regarded as as an ally's hospitality for friend in the afar, the coastal defense isn't a naval base, as long as your fleet didn't moor at naval base, our France not and at last breached neutral regulation, what I said be not?"The fatty craftily says with smile.
"My good friend, your generosity makes me from the bottom of the heart praise highly, do you hope what I can do for you?"Russian fleet commander appreciates Ti zero.
"This is my name card, I know commander officer you has much of influence in Russia, you are a sand the emperor dotes on most of big minister, and my company the agency is furriery and tea-leaf in the trade that the pure country also has biggest religion of some businesses, pure country and your country, I hope in the future, one fine day's this business is exclusively undertaken by my company's agency, certainly, all incomes have you 20%, I believe, this will is very big some money.****I think that we will have the opportunity of long-term cooperation of and respect of Luo's hero Si especially Wen Si Ji's general!"The fatty's smiling face is matchless to ponder.
"This affair we can measure by company from now on, these aren't the affair canned not do it, I talk to still have certain weight in Peter's fortress, the most important affair is the fleet for me to add coal now, we now even those most inferior Japanese coals all have no.To, does the coastal defense have telegram?I want to give Peter the fortress to send telegram."
"The coastal defense has you everything for wanting, I respect of general."
Russian fleet commander looking at the fatty's names card, light tone way:"Thunder Mr. Na, you are Russia's best friend, I represent a sand emperor his majesty to you to with the sincerest gratitude."
The fatty isn't other people, the name owner of "thunder Na foreign firm", the thunder Na of those early years father, he roars with laughter the small boat way to the underneath:"Move thing to come up."
A few men of eastern faces move to come up several volts of boxes to add, Russian fleet commander Luo's hero Si especially Wen Si Ji see these things, eyes all put light, and Russian government troops of warship swallows saliva.
"Respect of general, this is the best volt to add and represent me and my company agency a little intention."The thunder Na smiles to Luo's hero Si especially Wen Si Ji's way.After death of the suit use half-cooked Russian Gao Jiao Dao:"The food for powder of Baltic fleet , in the coastal defense, has 10,000 boxes of volts add and 10,000 beauties of the Anna miss is waiting you, all of these are our entertainment of the French to the ally, not need you to spend a Ge compare!"
"Is black to pull, black pull!"Russian soldier sends out the war whoop of tidal wave sort.
Fatty thunder Na the Tian wear big belly, happy ha ha of descend warship, ascend small boat, to not the armed merchantman"and" number of distance drive.
And the captain room of the number inside, a 20 successful in career young mans raising cross-legged is drinking tea and see the thunder Na coming in and quickly asking a way:"Say?"
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