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Opportunity to look for, because loophole 100 origin thin card brigade defense line up, have been battered.
Is twice simple to arrive the backstroke of extremity to divide ball, Ma Ni slices of the side road spread in, is once held the bottom line time of knife to knock in person by virtuous section, reach Er thunder and card Pu comfortable beat in respectively an enter ball.
In fact be anti- super of enter the ball arrives of time, this thin card brigade already didn't resist of courage, leave of two enter the ball completely become an add flowers to brocade work, only these two salt Sas of Boer diagram of very in time, it makes a wound of thin card more painful.
Giving the Ni may be a thin card brigade the only one can also stand the present side loudly roars of guy, but his roaring cry may be encouraging his/her own member of team to go forward, he is his own failure roars.
Probably this guy has already heard the death bell that knocks to ring for oneself and lose and compete to destine and lose, give Ni lost of have already not only been an integral calculus.
What he loses is his own confidence, probably from medium field Shao stereo set rise of a moment, he can't be continuing to bellow, because he has already canned not prove to anyone again, he has to be stronger than Ni Ao in the Mu, he is similar to take an origin, and the thin card keeps on winning.
Now looks, this is like also a joke, one lets Boer diagram person happy joke, a joke that lets a thin card passion cry to have no tears.
Make people crary on conversing of situation of field, let more a thin card brigade can not accept of BE, they have already lost the position that the league match ranks the first, they even have already had no the opportunity for conversing this time, a victory or defeat of game, let their a match quarter of effort all waste.
Resent who?Should blame and scold be punished the next sea Er virtuous Er?If have no this steady heavy guy at in the position of rearguard ascend to stare at dead to reach Er thunder for this thin card brigade them, probably first half field origin the ball door in the thin card brigade have been already fallen, he just in the least fitting time mistake once.
But have been enough fatal this time of, however is he the person whom the is blamed and scolded?The bishop who perhaps connects them's doing all doesn't know this blamed of game is how, no one can can pay this responsibility.
Was a person of thin card brigade to personally release the Mu inside Ni Ao, personally sliced Lin Yi and Ma Ni to send to Boer diagram brigade inside, now these three people, use own way respectively, return shot all these.
Lin Yi twice helps to offend, Ma Ni slices to help to offend at a time,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, the Mu inside Ni Ao successfully leads Boer diagram the brigade traveled over origin thin card, is three this thin card persons rent away Wei to pull before inside the Ni Ao will soon touch of trophy.
The Wei pulls the inside Ni Ao before competing to end and then wented away from own seat, because he really doesn't know how cope with the reporter that may upsurge in etc., now he already didn't what say so much of.
Throw away the possibility of taking down the champion on the site of opponent, and is under the circumstance that previously enters one ball, probably this fatty the board of directors of true demand and originally thin card explain now this was how.
He can explain pure?Probably only this fatty knows by himself[herself], or he by himself all at is the result of this game fan Mang, however is unique can affirm of BE, the Ni Ao and Lin Yi in the Mu puts in two knives of his at heart, now this fatty already know have much painful.
This time already no one concern the person of those failure exactly is what kind of a facial expression, the Pu contending for of super league match hat curtain has already slowly fallen in in this a moment, two cents' leading advantage, have been all right already.
The Boer diagram person can't make mistake in the last round, and victory or defeat relation with clean win the advantage of ball to let they completely have reason to believe, the last round they need to fight even opponent, can get hold of a champion smoothly.
Will the Mu inside Ni Ao's getting the Boer diagram brigade of soldier make mistake?Calculated, or didn't expect this kind of impossible affair, expect that guy to make mistake, you still rather expected Wei to pull inside the intelligence quotient of the Ni Ao raise some.
The origin been conversed thin card person even the locker rooms didn't return, west long grass one face is vacant of taking and belonging to his/her own thing the first ascend ball team of big Ba, this blamed night for he with whole origin thin card brigade to say, absolutely is an evil-foreboding dream.
However now can no one care these faileds go to why, the member of team of Boer diagram are the main targets that they want to cover, the only regret may be the hero who converses to have no here now.
That half-blooded boy, even if is left a ground to also let people can not forget, probably in this time, the whole Boer diagram all no one will forget him present up all did what.
The edge of knife backstroke with no Lin Yi, probably converse is a dream, probably the Boer diagram brigade will is 3 cents, there is also the champion of end at own main field the taking away of origin thin card brigade swagger that see one of the sworn enemieses in person.
Be like the spot explication shouts in the last moment of similar, "Boer diagram, you are that Portugal is the best!Lin Yi, you are the lucky star of Boer diagram!"
No one denies this sentence, the boy of that black hair is the lucky star of Boer diagram, he brings this city's most crary game, is that he comes to a decision everything.
Only people still don't know now the small guy of that black hair how exactly, at the time of shouting, they are also praying for that small guy, pray him the whole peaceful.
The acclaim of Boer diagram, is this small guy is changed back with the performance of his/her own Wu life, this city can't forget all these ……
Lin Yi now out of hearing orison like this, he is devastated by a group of nurse's elder sisters, can't, who let this guy have a just and too of face.
"The elder sisters!I am a leg to harm, don't you want to all touch good all over I!Feed, bearer!Help ……"
The pain combines"sex" blessing write?Or don't bother this wounded soldier ……
(The second seems to have a little a night more ……many loads treat ……beg to collect, click, recommend ……)
The war signal of chapter 54 alliance cup
Won a most important game, this for hope earnestly a league match the Boer diagram person of first position come to say, is the night that an enough lets the whole citieses all revel, converse, bring not only to is an integral calculus of anti- super, mainly is they abruptly of origin the thin card brigade beats descend any dust, this is the just the greatest.
Trample the body of rival takes away a champion trophy and connect to reach section Si tower this guys all already not at cover up own Be getting more satisfied, the last games, his on the gamble shows results, he spends of penny money didn't also waste.
Altogether just throw in 300 many ten thousand of turn membership dues to use for reach section Si tower to say, only is a drop in the ocean, but he got to want most of thing.
The Boer diagram that hadn't touched to once touch a league match champion for several years brigade, finally stand again at Pu the apogee of the super league match, everything's paying is all worth.
The pre-eminent coach style of Ni Ao in the Mu kneaded the whole Boer diagram to synthesize a troops, while he dug from this thin card brigade of two people, an absolute main force that became medium field left road, moreover a small guy is also at this the night became the most shining the decisive factor.
Buy the EUR 100,000 flowers of breaking Lin Yi of can be said to be over-valued, reach section Si the tower really want to embrace each other Wei to pull the inside Ni Ao now, was that guy to personally send to this gift Boer diagram, literally still bought a to send an of delivered a trophy of league match champion.
Only that unlucky fatty has already opened to slip away in advance and have never given reach section Si the tower leave to embrace each other his opportunity, probably he also knows by himself, that will be a how embarrassed condition, even if his face again big, will also feel awkward.
The television explication of Boer diagram also took advantage o the blank on schedule of competing the be over to satirize another Portuguese for a while two strong, this is absolutely the good opportunity of an old opponent to stroke oneself, especially lose ball in this thin card, while Lisbon contest brigade even while maying all can not guarantee in the third place.
"Contest a brigade what EUR 50,000 didn't want, originally thin card brigade EUR 100,000 sell of small the brigade that don't order, but give us Boer diagram brought the opportunity of seizing the league match champion, really don't know that we are to not is to should pay respects to person in Lisbon, is that they sent to a champion personally I Related articles:

